Preserving the history and legacy of the Icom IC-730 is vital for enthusiasts and future generations. If you have original copies or any other original products related to the Icom IC-730, your contributions can significantly aid in this preservation effort. By donating these materials, you help ensure that accurate and high-quality information remains available for all.
I am committed to covering the shipping costs for any donations. Depending on your preference, I can return the items to you after they have been preserved or keep them as part of the collection.
Please contact me through the "Contact Me" section at the bottom of the home page to arrange the donation. Your support is greatly appreciated.
All reproductions on this site are free to use for non-commercial purposes unless you are the original copyright holder. I do not claim ownership of any reproduced content. I have tried to the best of my abilities to accurately reproduce the information, but some pages were hard to read, including photos or schematics. Many of these were scans or photocopies of varying quality and resolution.