Please note that while I have made every effort to accurately reproduce the manuals, some pages were difficult to read due to being scans or photocopies of varying quality and resolution, affecting the clarity of photos and schematics.
If you have original copies or any other original products related to the Icom IC-730 that you would like to donate for preservation, I would be happy to pay for shipping. I can either return the items to you after preservation or keep them, based on your preference. Please contact me through the "Contact Me" section at the bottom of the home page or the Donate page.
All reproductions on this site are free to use for non-commercial purposes unless you are the original copyright holder. I do not claim ownership of any reproduced content. I have tried to the best of my abilities to accurately reproduce the information, but some pages were hard to read, including photos or schematics. Many of these were scans or photocopies of varying quality and resolution.